Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Lovers VI

The Lovers card depicts vulnerability, the need for commitment and the healing of a relationship. The couple in the picture are naked, except for a garland of flowers they are each wearing. Their nakedness signifies both their vulnerability and the need for truth and openness. Their complete eye contact indicates that there should be no secrets between them and they must learn to trust each other. Whatever has gone before, there is still much ardour and passion, and a strong bond between this couple. This is symbolised by the white Arum lily they are both clutching symbolising their desire, and the ferns representing a sacred bond.

The Lovers card in a spread foretells the forging of a new relationship, the strengthening of an existing one or two people (not necessarily lovers) working together to overcome problems. The angel in the Lovers Card is the Archangel Raphael, who is associated with health and the healing arts. He is there to oversee any healing that needs to take place and extends his arm in a gesture of blessing.

There is a significant presence of balance in this card. The couple represent both the male and female aspect, the sun is placed firmly in the centre of the card and the six-pointed star is composed to two equilateral triangles, one pointing heavenwards and the other towards the Earth.

Although the card speaks of trust, commitment and healing, there is a strong element of choice. Will the presence of the Archangel be acknowledged or ignored? Will healing be allowed to take place or will the wall of defences be left in place through stubbornness and pride? Will the Lovers choose to work through their differences and gain the fruits of life that are pictured here in symbolic form? Peace, represented by the white doves, is the ultimate goal and possibly constancy and everlasting love in the form of the Bluebells. A choice lies ahead. One's own intuition should be relied upon to make the right one, the choice that is worth working for.

This is my interpretation of The Lovers Card. Please comment if you have an alternative or if you see anything I have missed.


  1. This is the card I wish I would get if I had a tarot card reading! ha ha :-D

  2. Lol Nancy! :O)

    You could always meditate on the card and think how you could apply the messages within to your own situation. :)

  3. wow!! What an interesting read..sorry I'm not adding my own interpretation as I don't know much about it.
    But I enjoyed reading it.Thank you^_^ found a follower in me.

  4. Thank you Deboshree! I'm glad you found this interesting. :)

    I'm way behind on my posts for this blog (I have another one) because the weather's been so fabulous here in the U.K. for the past couple of weeks and I've been spending most of my time outdoors. I'll try to catch up though. Thank you for joining me here. :D

  5. Lesley, thank you for thinking of our little Abby. Are there cards for animals, too?

  6. Oh by all means they are Barbara. The way I see it is we all share the planet/universe together, animal and human species, so just as we can pray and send positive thoughts for animals, so too can we meditate on the cards on their behalf.

    Our dogs benefit (?!) from all sorts of weird and wonderful treatments from me.... our Charlie loves an Indian Head Massage! :O)

  7. Barbara, I've just come home from a friend's house after having a few glasses of wine. I don't like to read the cards when I've had alcohol, so I promise to look at them for Abby tomorrow morning. It will be the first thing I do, after seeing our daughter off to school. :)

  8. Lesley- Email me after you read them. Blessings.

  9. Lesley,
    Thank you for doing this. And keeping Abby in your thoughts. She has been a lot happier in the last couple of days. I can tell in her eyes that she is hopful. I think a lot of it is from everyones thoughts and prayers!

  10. I want to thank you for the reading. That was very nice of you to do. I really enjoyed it, and I know abby appreciated all the thought.

  11. You're welcome Tileena. Despite the circumstances, I enjoyed doing the reading. I'm glad to hear that she's been happier.... that must mean that she's beginning to feel better also. Yes I agree, she's got lots and lots of powerful energy being poured on her! :)

  12. Thank you for such amazing information.... if you love fruits just like me....please check out the blog mentioned below its really cool....!!!im sure you'll love it!!!

  13. Lots of amazing information there too Carrol. Thank you! :)
